Taking online course requires discipline…

A lot of discipline I must say.  I started taking an online course on psychology on coursera as I was hoping that some of the learning may help me connect better with my kids and and for me to be more aware of the emotions and feelings.

I registered for the online psychology course, Introduction to psychology, on 12 July 2020 and one month later I was still not done. I was really active in the first few days but lost the momentum after one week. And today when I logged into the site, it showed me that I was way overdue and had to reset my deadline.

I really want to complete this course. I started it and aimed to complete it. This is what I have been telling my toddler. You want it, you start it and you finish it. Yes I will persevere. 6 weeks to go if I can spend 10 minutes every day at it. It’s not a lot to ask for. It’s just about being disciplined.

Yes and that is what my German half can teach me.

About germanforrunway

learning german is a love and hate learning journey. The beginning is difficult and it gets maybe tougher but definitely more lyrical as I discover the colloquial language or the slangs and in german 'Umgangssprache'. german for runways is a collection of slangs that I have learnt from the germans around me and my wonderful friend, Kirsten, is the mastermind behind the blogname. german for runways is the direct and awfully wrong translation for german for advanced level.
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